Elite Woman 2021 - Australasian Lawyer
Elite Woman 2021 - Australasian Lawyer
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Aide Lawyers are keen to help you work through your matter and transition into the next phase of your life. Collaborative Practice joins teams of professionals in a confidential setting to promote long-term solutions with the goal of protecting relationships. While families are the first type of client to benefit from Collaborative Practice, business relationships benefit too. After all, exchanging a product or a service for money involves relationships that matter!
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Please discuss your fee expectations with us. Our charges vary depending on the work we do because just like our clients, one size does not fit all. We can offer fixed fee work to you. Please note that changes to your instructions through the course of a matter will cause a change to the charges.
Most documents can be signed and witnessed electronically in Victoria by a lawyer. And we should know: our Founder helped create that law over summer 2020-2021.
Since before COVID-19 arrived in Sydney in February 2019, we have been meeting our clients where they need including online. When you book your conferences with us, you will receive an automated booking that provides a link for you to click on when your appointment time comes around. We look forward to e-meeting you!
We understand your circumstances are simple for you. The law requires us to assess your circumstances before we advise you about your options. This means that after being legally assessed, very few people have simple circumstances needing simple wills.
The law allows it but the Courts query any time a beneficiary of an estate has been a witness to the signing of the will. The Courts think the witness influenced your decisions.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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If your legal needs are urgent during this time, contact the Law Institute of Victoria Referral Service or your local Community Legal Centre