Elite Woman 2021 - Australasian Lawyer
Elite Woman 2021 - Australasian Lawyer
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We understand you live life as simply as possible. In fact, we admire you for it.
Our challenge is to translate centuries of estate law into a document that fulfils your requests. We love doing it; so the end document looks after your children, perhaps provides a guardian for them, and ensures your house isn't sold during their infancy. But that's just one life story. We can't wait to learn yours.
How do we help you to decide a plan where you feel secure?
When you book your appointment, we ask you to complete our first client interview online. You won't see us, but we will securely receive the information you provide and it will give us your background.
From there, we assess the most suitable estate planning option for you and provide you with an emailed written estimate. Your confirmation of accepting that estimate is signing the electronic contract, which tells us to get to work for you.
The Aide Lawyers' Simple > Most > Complex Wills Chart shows some life factors that take a simple life into a Most Wills category. If you buy a simple will, the document cannot address all of your legal needs. And leaving our clients unprotected is not how we work.
We encourage you to consider the Chart when booking your conference. The information in the chart also helps you prepare for our meeting by allowing you to gather the documents we will need to see before we can discuss your needs and the likely costs of our work.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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